“I’m a queer black trouble maker and a writer and educator. I’m a founding co-conspirator of the Quirky Black Girls movement and the instigator of the Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind Educational Series. I’m also between stops on the road trip of a life time….the MobileHomeComing Project…where my partner and I travel in an RV around the US interviewing black queer women and gender non-conforming folks and trans-men about all the brilliant things they’ve done to be themselves and create community! Hooray! I’m excited about all of the ways that girls can use do-it-yourself media to express themselves. I’ve been an activist since the age of 14 and I’m allying with SPARK because I want to support all girls and especially girls of color in expressing their radical, world-changing, trouble-making genius!”

Part of “30 Allies in 30 Days.” Learn more about the SPARK Summit and check back tomorrow for our next ally!

Originally posted at Hardy Girls Healthy Women.