Correction from Email Update on Dec 13: The My Little Pony blogs were a product of Ms. Magazine.

Ms. Magazine is having a My Little Pony week of blogs.

Why? Well, take a look at the sexualization of classic toys like Rainbow Brite, Candy Land, and yes, My Little Pony. Toys?! 

If you think My Little Pony can’t be that bad, think again. Kathleen Richter investigated the pony and found that all the rainbow ponies were butch and the black ponies were slaves. Read it for yourself.

But what effects can these toys have on kids? Emily Rosenbaum’s “Gendering Toys is Good for Nobody” discusses how the gendering of toys contributes to the extreme pressures kids feel to conform to gender norms. “When you offer few options and give kids a very narrow slice of life, there are things they don’t learn, experiences they don’t have,” says SPARK leader and co-author of Packaging Girlhood and Packaging Boyhood, Lyn Mikel Brown.

Have you noticed any changes in your favorite childhood toys? Let us know!