Welcome to the Sexual Violence Prevention Toolkit!


We have created a specialized track that addresses sexual violence prevention (SVP) that threads through each tactic we outline in the main toolkit. If you click on the yellow circle in the upper right corner of every page, you’ll jump to these extra pages. As always, we were not able to cover EVERY organization, activist and example of inspiring projects that tackle this issue. So please tell us what is missing and we’d be happy to add it!

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, one in 5 women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college. Rape is the most under-reported crime: 63% of sexual assaults are not reported to police and only 12% of child sexual abuse is reported to the authorities. This is a crime that impacts people of all genders, sexual orientations and ages. These stats can make us feel so overwhelmed and helpless, so we compiled these resources and tactics for you so that we can be part of the solution. So that we can END SEXUAL VIOLENCE.

And for a list of SVP resources, click HERE (but please note that this list is only a beginning – please contact us & let us know what’s missing and we will add it!)

When engaging in SVP activities and activism, we like to strongly recommend you consider the following tips and warnings:

Take time to consider and strategize how you can create and foster the safest possible space for folks to feel comfortable, supported and empowered. Not everyone is ready to share a story about their own experiences related to sexual violence. Here are some suggestions for you as you begin to create your project, group or campaign:

  1. Provide resources for folks who might be suffering from experiences related to sexual violence. Distribute a list of phone numbers and websites of places where they can access support and resources.
  2. Be clear about exactly what the group/project is and what it is not. Is it an activist group for young people to design action campaigns or a support group for survivors to share stories?
  3. Articulate community guidelines together. Ask everyone what they need to feel safe and supported. Write down this “community contract,” invite everyone to sign it and post it somewhere visible at every meeting. The list might include suggestions such as:
    1. speak with “I” statements
    2. replace judgment with curiosity
    3. respect where everyone is on their journey
    4. step up/ step back
    5. know, respect and name your own boundaries. No one has to share anything they don’t want to share
    6. practice “calling in” instead of “calling out”
  4. Consider whether to add “trigger warnings” to material, images or performance that contain explicit content refers to sexual violence so that folks can decide whether they want to engage with it.
  5. Because unfortunately, projects and groups that publicly address issues related to preventing sexual violence are often trolled by harassers. We highly recommend the resources at HEARTMOB to help you address harassers and support the folks they target.
  6. Practice self-care because as EverydayFeminism.com blogger Kim Tran writes, “Being Woke Shouldn’t Mean Your Spirit’s Broke.”
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