
Although SVP can seem like an incredibly broad topic that needs massive cultural change, don’t underestimate the power of many small actions Online Petitions are a great way to impact behavior, change a policy, and educate!

New Zealand teens created a petition for “better, more consistent sex education in secondary schools“, focusing on making consent a compulsory part of our curriculum, as it is not currently, as well as teaching healthy relationships with LGBTQI+ inclusion,” which they presented to the Minister of Education.
A feminist group in the UK successfully petitioned a store to take down a neon “Send me nudes” sign. They urged the store and others like it to “take their responsibility seriously by not sexualising girls, legitimising the negative sexual pressures they feel under or encouraging illegal behaviour through their marketing campaigns.” While a small change in one store, the activists behind this petition recognized the power of advertising on teen behavior.

Have you seen an ad you think encourages behavior that leads to SV? An online petition might be a great tool for you.

In your petition, 1) state the problem; 2) explain why it is a problem; 3) state your demands clearly and concisely; and 4) always petition a person–the CEO of the company, for example. Making someone accountable is the most effective way to ensure they do the right thing.

When you’re done, use your social media accounts to advertise your petitions and collect signatures.

We know that SVP requires broad policy changes, but effective petitions focus on specific issues or incidents and target people who have the power to make a change within their sphere of influence. Since you are asking a person to do the right thing, be honest and respectful–give them a reason to listen!

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