Spark Actions

We Can SPARK Action: Costume Is Off Shelves

FROM THE ARCHIVES: As part 2 of SPARKing through History, today we are remembering our first major win. In October 2011 as we walked past yet another Halloween superstore peddling sexed up costumes for girls with lower and lower necklines and higher and higher skirts, our rage kept simmering but didn’t quite spark flames until we…


We Can SPARK Action: Costume Is Off Shelves

By Culley Schultz I recently walked into the grocery store and was greeted by heaping bins of fun-sized Halloween candy and bags of candy corn. With Fall’s favorite holiday edging closer everyday, more and more Halloween costumes and advertisements are appearing. Some of this already caused quite a stir and SPARK talked back! Ricky’s, a…


VICTORY: "Anna Rexia" costume pulled from Halloween Store

The moment we saw this “sexy” costume glamorizing eating disorders, we knew we couldn’t just let it go—so we took action! SPARK director Dana Edell started a petition on Change.Org asking Halloween Store to remove the costume from both its online store AND its shelves in Memphis, TN: Today, 12 million people are suffering from…


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