SPARK Updates

Women in the World

by Crystal Ogar Over the past weekend I was lucky enough to be a part of the third Women in the World Summit (Stories + Solutions) held in New York City at Lincoln Center, and co-hosted by Tina Brown (editor-in chief of Newsweek & The Daily Beast), Lauren Bush Lauren, Leymah Gbowee, Nizan Guanaes, Jane Harman,…


Our letter to LEGO

We told you yesterday that we were taking this LEGO business to the next level–and here it is. Yesterday afternoon, LEGO received this letter from us along with a printout of all 47,000 signatures on our petition at the time of the writing. We’re proud of the conversation that we’ve started, and now we want…


LEGO: The Good, the Bad, and the Frilly

by Melissa Campbell WOW—more than 48 thousand people have signed on to our petition asking LEGO to rethink the way they market their toys! This is totally amazing and we’re so proud to be launching this incredibly important conversation around gender, development, and play. If you’re tuning into this action-in-process, check out these pieces detailing what our…


SPARK on 20/20!

Check out our amazing executive director Dana Edell talking about the sexualization of girls on 20/20 in this clip from Friday, November 25th: We were so excited about her being on the show that we held a livechat at the same time! We hung out with the SPARKteam, our leadership team, and our allies Jaclyn Friedman, Shelby…


SPARKit at Your School!

SPARK is expanding to high school and college campuses across the country! We’d love for you to join us in building a movement against the sexualization of girls in media. Interested? Start a SPARKit Girls chapter at your school and start SPARKing change! How do I create a SPARK chapter at my school? Fill out…


“This is a revolution, and we are its leaders.”

By Melissa Campbell After the first SPARK Summit in October 2010, I wrote that I had never felt camaraderie and companionship like I had at the Summit. I talked about how great it felt to be part of a growing movement, to know that I was not alone, and to see change—to be change. “Make…


SPARKing Change in Portland: SPARK Summit 2011

by Carly Seedall On Saturday October the 30th, I opened the door to St. Mary’s Academy in Portland, Oregon, with nothing in my hands except a journal and an open mind. As I strolled into the school, I was greeted by what seemed like hundreds of girls of all ages, each of their faces adorned…


HOLLAween costume contest!

Do you know what you’re gonna be for HOLLAween? Show it off! We’ve teamed up with HollabackPhilly and Beauty Redefined to create an alternative to the widespread pornification of Halloween, and we need YOU to help us make it happen! Submit your spookiest, creepiest, punniest, funniest, most creative and brilliant costumes to our Costume Contest…


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