georgia luckhurst

H&M: Use Plus Size Mannequins In Stores!

by Georgia Luckhurst When I interviewed Jennie Runk over the summer about her phenomenol campaign with H&M, I was lit up with excitement about the future of plus-size representation in the modelling industry.  Here at SPARK we’re not only dismayed but horrified by the body-shaming girls face everyday, and it’s our mission to try and…


Lies My Makeup Packaging Told Me

by Georgia Luckhurst I like going into drugstores.  The smells of cloying perfume mingling with talcum power strewn floors and aggressive seeming offers shouting at me from posters on the walls (“EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!” and “BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!!!”, usually) are never enough to deter me from heading towards the make-up aisle.  I’ve written…


Role Model: An interview with Jennie Runk

by Georgia Luckhurst There are many issues facing the fashion industry today – especially the fact that it often inspires negative body image in girls across the world, who don’t feel thin enough, white enough, tanned enough, tall enough, big-breasted enough or even just good enough.  Lately though, a long-overdue emerging trend has been storming…


Women's History Year: June Edition

For this month’s installment of Women’s History Year, SPARKteam activist Georgia talks about two women who inspire her most: Emily Dickinson and her mother. Watch it below, and send us your own videos at The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson…


Just Because We're Teens Doesn't Mean Our Voices Don't Matter

by Georgia Luckhurst The other day, while I was sitting eating lunch with some friends, one of my newest friends asked: “Georgia, are you a feminist?”  Only a year ago, I’d have responded with utter scorn, as back then I still would have been scared of people’s reactions to my feminism – I’d have been…


This is the truth, and it ain't pretty

Ed. Note: This piece was originally published at HuffPo Teen for the Proud2BMe campaign. We are reposting it this week in honor of NEDA’s National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. by Georgia Luckhurst I may be proud to be myself now, but for roughly two years, I hated myself. When I was 11, I decided I was…


Female Noise: Musicians who (should!) run the world

From Beyonce to Rihanna to Taylor Swift to Adele, the pop music landscape is not exactly hurting for women right now. But we could always use a few more ladies killin’ it in the music scene, right?! Some of the SPARKteam came together to talk about their fave female musicians, songwriters, singers, and female-fronted bands,…


Making-Up is Hard to Do

by Georgia Luckhurst Last weekend, at a sleepover with some of my friends, someone asked me: “If you’re a feminist, aren’t you really against make-up?” It was a shock to be asked – firstly because we were eating pizza and watching Modern Family, not exactly the usual setting for a serious debate. Secondly because I’d…


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