georgia luckhurst

Not exactly model behavior

by Georgia Luckhurst Two weeks ago I’m scrolling through my Facebook feed, sipping my cup of tea and listening to Blur. All in all, it’s a very average night. Suddenly my eyes catch onto the sidebar, distracted by something. There is an advert, showing a proud-looking blonde girl who looks like a cross between Princess…


I definitely don't wanna sex(t) you up

by Georgia Luckhurst I have always been the most inept person I know at flirting.  Short of an actual cartoon wink-wink-nudge-nudge scenario, I essentially smile inanely and make excessive eye-contact if I want to catch a crush’s attention.  However, once I hit adolescence, I found out that when it came to my (blatant lack of)…


The Red Menace?

by Georgia Luckhurst When it comes to competitiveness, I am the winner.  I choose to be ridiculously competitive about certain things, and my fight to beat everyone else is bloody, bitter, and vaguely worrying.  Of all the things I’ve fought hardest to win though, puberty was maybe not one that you’d expect.  I wanted to…


Hey girl, we don't call our sisters "bitch"–or do we?

Is the word “bitch” acceptable? Kanye West posted a flurry of tweets on September 2nd examining his use of the word. He just wanted to think out loud with us today. So Kanye, here’s what we, the girls of SPARK, think about the word “bitch.” YingYing: As with any other word, “bitch” can only have…


What doesn't kill you makes you…sadder

by Georgia Luckhurst When it comes to bullying, you’d be hard pressed to find a girl who isn’t familiar with it. Girls get picked on for their blooming bodies and teased because of their choice in friends and clothes. However, when it comes to bullying, girls have one advantage: society acknowledges this kind of conduct…


Let It All Out: A Guide to Getting Your Voice Heard

by Georgia Luckhurst One of the biggest problems many young feminists face is the blatant disrespect their peers have for them.  When I first began to get interested in modern-day sexism, and began to wonder how I could change it, I was scared of how my classmates, and worse, my friends, would react.  But then…


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