
How I lost my voice

by Angela Batuure I went to a weird elementary school. It was a hybrid between co-educational and single sex classrooms. The idea was that as children grow older, the differences between the ways boys and girls learned beomce more distinct: kindergartners and first graders had co-ed classes, but from second grade to 8th grade, the…


#ReadWomen in school and beyond

by Madeleine Nesbitt Despite the fact that the first known novel was penned by a woman, the devaluation of female-produced literature has presided over the literary arts since they came to exist. Women continue to go by initials in hopes of being taken for a man (example a: J.K. Rowling), and the 2013 VIDA Count points out that women…


What girls are learning from the firing of Jill Abramson

by Maya Brown, Sam Holmes, and Madeleine Nesbitt In the past couple of weeks, the media has blown up about why the first female executive editor of the New York Times, Jill Abramson, was fired. Some sources claimed that she was fired because she brought in a lawyer to talk with her boss, Arthur Sulzberger,…


From one Holmes to another: thank you

by Sam Holmes Dear Linda Holmes, My Aunt first showed me one of your blogs over a year ago. That introduction has been, without a doubt, one of the greatest gifts that she has given me in the past 18 years. First and foremost, I have to say thank you. I am one of many people…


Why trigger warnings matter

by Anya Josephs This post contains graphic descriptions of eating disorders that may be triggering to some readers. As Sartre once said—hell is other people. I read this in my theatre of the absurd class this semester. Presumably, I also heard it when I read the play in high school, but I don’t remember. Most…


SPARK Theater Production in NYC!

SPARK is producing a new play in New York City! The SPARKteam Players are a troupe of writer/performer/activist girls from SPARK Movement in and near New York City who use theater to address and challenge the issues that girls face daily. This spring, a superstar group of seven young women have been working for six…


Lupita is beautiful, but she's also so much more

by Montgomery Jones There are so many wonderful things that can be said about Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o. She seemingly appeared on the Hollywood scene out of nowhere. Actresses spend years and money trying to reach the success that Lupita has garnered from her performance in 12 Years a Slave as Patsy. Lupita caught…


Research Blog: How sexualization affects judgments about girls’ accomplishments

By Jenn Chmielewski Okay, let me get real with you when it comes to my perspective on how sexualized girls are in the media and advertising. Just a couple weeks ago, I was shopping online trying to find some leggings to keep me warm before spring finally came. As I sat browsing through images of…


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